When planning for this trip, there are a few things you should consider.

We will do a great deal of walking, so bring comfortable walking shoes. Venice is all stone so the surfaces are very hard. You will feel it after a couple of days.

The weather will hopefully be mild. We could encounter rain, so be prepared. Venice gets very hot and humid in the summer. Hopefully we will be there before the serious heat sets in, however one never knows. It could also be a bit cool. One thing it won’t be is cold.

So it would be best to bring a sweater or light jackets and perhaps closed shoes. But be sure to also bring clothing for warm weather.

We will provide basic materials EXCEPT the items listed below. Please bring them along:
• a bone folder
• x-acto knife and blades
• metal ruler/straight-edge
• pens/pencils
• brushes for glue